Meet Carlos Picanco from Futurismo Azores Adventures
Carlos Picanco, Sales & Marketing Director at Futurismo Azores Adventures, Portugal
What was your first “win” that made you confident that you were doing the right thing in Futurismo?
When our vision for tourism became a differentiation selling point from both a B2B and B2C perspective, a talent acquisition, and retention driver, and a way to give back to our community and educate our youth.
What advice would you give to your younger self at the start of your career?
Passion can´t overpower rationality in our decisions and success can´t be a social construct but a personal decision.
What is the biggest challenge with sustainability in the travel business?
Making all the stakeholders, and especially the link between the public and private sector, agree on priorities and understanding the importance of keeping in balance economic, environmental, cultural, and social sustainability, in a holistic strategy that is more profound than marketing soundbites. Also, the lack of study and planning to promote disruption in the praxis and promote change through the value chain of tourism.
At Best Stay 2022 Carlos will share their story about practices that helped Futurismo Azores Adventures increase bookings and revenue.
We already mentioned that the Azores are our favorite international destination. Here you can read about Martina’s stay at the Azores in 2017 - at that time she and Carlos didn’t know each other, but Martina was a guest on one of their whale-watching tours at Sao Miguel. Later on, in 2020 they suddenly met through Transformational Travel Council and today are both parts of this inspiring and growing world community.